Dementia Care one day training

On the second saturday of April, i.e. on 10th April, 2010, a Dementia care training programme was conducted for the whole day for family members of Dementia patients.

The first session was taken by Dr Vani who explained about the importance of communication in or day to day life.She explained the reasons why communication
is affected in dementia patients and the useful tips on communicating effectively
with them.

Dr Naveen, from  the Department of Physiotherapy , NIMS started with a video presentation of a person with Dementia to demonstrate gait and mobility issues faced in the disease. His talk included the role of a physiotherapist in dementia care, interventions appropriate for the different stages, postural deviations and corrective exercises, gait training, toileting, bowel and bladder training.The talk concluded with Dr. Naveen answering caregivers' queries ranging from shops stocking the assistive devices, exercises for different stages, when to commence physiotherapy etc.

Dr. Suvarna Alladi, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, NIMS spoke about what exactly happens in the brain when someone is afflicted with a dementia. She also briefed on issues related to normal forgetfulness vs. dementia and that different types of dementia are manifested in different ways. Although Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, there are also other types. She gave statistics about prevalence of Dementia, caregivers of persons with Dementia, and projected prevalence of Dementia all over the world with special focus on the Indian scenario. Management of persons with Dementia was also elaborated upon.

Ms Rukhsana Ansari spoke on the Functional Rehabilitation of Dementia patients. She gave very good practical tips on how to manage different problems faced by the Dementia patients. The talk concluded by queries raised by family members and Ms Rukhsana answered them respectively

Dr Chandrasekhar introduced the audience about the topic and discussed the main behavioral problems.  Common problems brought out by the caregivers included restlessness, stress, frustration, refusal to take medicines, impaired ability to handle money and impairment in reading.

Dr. Chandrasekhar gave practical suggestions to handle these problems and also answered queries regarding how to deal with behavioral problems.The over-all  course went well and the participants expressed their interest in attending the forth-coming training programmes of ARDSI Hyderabad Deccan

